Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weekend Coupon Preview and Update

It's a great weekend for coupons in the paper! Look for a Smartsource, a RedPlum and a P&G insert! For a full preview, head on on over to the Sunday Coupon Preview.

As you know, I recommend buying the Star Tribune on Saturday, because I love to get a discount, even on coupons! However, it looks like today's Saturday Star only has the Smartsource insert. In that case, it may be worth it to you to wait until tomorrow and pay the $2 for all 3 inserts.

Let us know if you find any papers today that happen to have all 3 inserts!


  1. Stop and go in south moorhead only had smartource. Do you knw if when we are shorted on Sat if Sunday generally has all three? If you could respond in the commets hereI will check back later. Also on a seperate note I was wondering how you ended up using all your ricotta or was it cottage cheese?
    Thank you

  2. Sounds like just 1 insert in all areas then, bummer! Yes, we almost always get all the scheduled inserts on Sunday, even when Saturday is shorted.

    Stephanie, about that cottage cheese... I knew my husband liked it and bought it occasionally for him to snack on or for our 3 year old daughter, but holy smokes. It's not a staple in this house, so when I do buy it, everyone knows not to eat it too quickly. When I gave them free reign to eat it up, they ate through the 4 of those containers so fast - I didn't even have time to make a lasagna, let alone try the other recipes I was given! Good thing it's a good-for-you snack and that it was FREE! :)

  3. I bought the pioneer press at hornbachers on sat evening for $1 and it had all three inserts I was very excited.
    Great news about the cottage cheese.
