Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I Got My Garden's Alive Catalog - Order Yours!

I got my Garden's Alive Catalog in the mail yesterday, and the best part? The $25 coupon right on the front that can be used on ANY purchase and even applies to shipping!  Request yours here!

PS- I spent a good hour yesterday browsing their catalog and daydreaming about summer. Is that exciting or sad? A little of both I guess! :) I am excited to start thinking about the garden again, though it's hard to imagine right now with the yard under so much snow!


  1. The coupon on my catalog was for $25 off with a $50 purchase. But last year I received the $25 off $25 coupon and was able to get a free bottle of lawn fertilizer. It arrived so late in the season that I didn't have an opportunity to try it, but I plan to use it in the spring.

  2. Interesting! Mine last year was a $25 off $50, but I requested it later in the season.

  3. I got a $25 off $25 yesterday too! :)
