Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Did You Hear?

Tim Unsinn and I (and my pregnant belly) on the air
I'm a little shy (go figure), and didn't let you all know til last night over on my Facebook page that I was going to be on the radio this morning.

Missed it? Never fear, it's going to be a somewhat regular occurrence down at the Life 97.9 Station.  To make up for not sharing earlier, I'll tell you now that Paul and I will be on the air on July 12th again bright and early!

I just did a little intro to FM Cheapskate and took a reader question from the Life 97.9 Facebook page.  To catch up on saving money on fruits and veggies, read more over here!


  1. Yes, I heard you on KFNW! Unfortunately, I had to go into work, so I just heard the very first part. Hopefully I can catch your entire interview in July!

  2. Yay! I got to see your pregnant belly. You look great! :)
